

Initializes a new Godot project by setting up the necessary folder structure and configuration files. It prompts the user for the project name and the desired Godot version.


gdcli init

command init


  • Checks if a gdproj.json configuration file already exists in the current directory. If it does, the tool informs the user that the project is already initialized and suggests running gdcli install to install dependencies.

  • Prompts the user to input the project name (defaulting to the current directory name) and to select a Godot version from a list.

  • Creates a gdproj.json configuration file with the selected settings.

  • Downloads and installs the specified Godot version.

  • Generates a project.godot file with basic configurations.

  • Updates the .gitignore file to exclude specific directories and files related to Godot and gdcli.


$ gdcli init
Project name: MyGodotGame
Select Godot version: [Choose from list]
Installing Godot [version]...
Launching Godot editor...